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Unimed System Sustainability Report







Message from the Chief Officer

Our objective is to create synchronism in the way the Unimed System

incorporates sustainability management, and strengthening ourselves

more and more. It is not an immutable, definitive recipe. We offer initia-

tives and actions enabling us to act jointly, but they may – and must – be

adopted according to each Unimed singularity.

There are no doubts as to the sustainability topic acceptance in the Un-

imed System. Incorporating its attributes to the business conduction has

been fundamental for us to be able to fulfill our cooperativist role in soci-

ety and to add value to the brand.

A proof of that is the Unimed Sustainability Seal, which certified 220

cooperatives in 2014, a growth in relation to the 55 Unimeds certi-

fied in the initiative 12 years ago. The consolidated indicators of the

Unimed 2014 Balance Sheet display an investment of over R$ 68 mil-

lion in projects with communities in topics such as: health, food, ed-

ucation, professional skilling, environment, culture, leisure and sport.

In 2015 the National Sustainability Policy will be revised with the pur-

pose of reflecting the new challenges of sustainability insertion in the

Unimed cooperatives management. Another important action will be

the Unimed Sustainability Seal indicators revision and their integra-

tion with the Unimed Governance Seal indicators.

Edevard J. de Araujo

These tools and actions have made Unimed do Brasil the only Bra-

zilian cooperative invited to be a member of the Sustainability Advi-

sory Group, the sustainability consultative group of the International

Cooperative Alliance (ACI), at which we have contributed with our

experience and representativity to strengthen the world cooperativ-

ist movement.

It is awork for everybody – employees, members and officers. Through

it, I am sure that will succeed to disseminate, insert and internalize

sustainability into the organizational culture and to turn it into a con-

crete and effective Unimeds management element.




Edevard J. de Araujo

Chief Marketing and Development

Officer of Unimed do Brasil

The intrinsic relation between sustainability and cooperativism